We feel best results occur when parents / whānau, students and teachers work together and support one another in a shared endeavour. The key to the success of this relationship is effective communication.
Our open door policy means that Parents / whānau are free at any time to make an appointment to meet with any of our team at a mutually convenient time.
From time to time, in a people oriented activity such as education, there will be concerns.
When these occur, it is important that all parties involved work together to obtain a solution that is mutually acceptable and best for all concerned.
Our team is always happy to answer questions or queries via email or meet with you to discuss your concerns face to face, whenever possible.
How We Share Information With You
Media Links
Reporting to Parents
Student Conferences are in Term 1 and Term 4 each year.
Students share their work with whānau.
Formal written reports are sent home in Term 2 and at the end of each year.
The principal and teachers are happy to discuss any concerns you may have for our child or their achievement. Please request an appointment with the teacher or principal at any time through the office by calling 09-4068830 .