Absences need to be rung through each morning on (09) 406 8830
These can also come through via email to
Please notify the school (and advise the bus driver) if a child is to be absent. This allows the school to know that your child is safe. The school endeavours to contact parents/caregivers over un-notified absentees as a matter of standard procedure.
Parents occasionally ask to have children away from school for important or urgent family business. Parents are trusted to use their discretion and common sense regarding absenting their children from school.
Donations and Fees
Do you have to pay a school donation NZ?
Schools may ask parents or caregivers for donations, which are voluntary contributions to help with running the school. It is not compulsory to pay donations. Our kura does not ask whānau to pay fees.
Duffy Books
We are part of the Books in Homes programme. Children receive a brochure once a term and bring it home so that you can help your child select free books that they can keep at home. These usually arrive near the end of each term and are given out at special book promoting assemblies. Often special role models come to assembly to give them out.
These have included children’s authors and top New Zealand athletes. We also invite local role models who promote a love of reading. You can support this programme by spending time helping your child select good quality books and then reading them with them when they come home.
Extend this interest by taking them to the local library and role modelling by letting them see you reading too.
Duffy Books also provides gift books for ‘caught being good’. These are given out fortnightly as part of our positive behaviour management. Books for younger siblings’ birthdays and parent & grandparent promotions are also given out.
Learning Behaviour
Learning Behaviour
Students and Staff enjoy great respectful, relationships at Waihārara, so it is very rare for behaviour ‘management’ strategies to be required but when it is, we take a proactive approach to behaviour management and the principles of Tika, Pono and Aroha underpin our behaviour management decisions. Students are expected to follow the schools safety and learning rules, treat others with respect and concern and on the rare occasion a problem does arise students are guided by the teacher to take responsibility for restoring the damage caused to people or property.
If your child has a problem at school that is causing concern you will be notified either by telephone or with a written notification. If behaviour that interferes with learning or safety continues or an incident causes major concern you will be asked to come to school. We aim to work with whanau to resolve problems and willingly provide access to further services if you feel the need for greater support.
If your child has had their safety or learning compromised by someone else’s actions then we will contact you. If for some reason you are not contacted and are aware of a problem then please contact the classroom teacher as quickly as possible.
At Waiharara School we define bullying as: To hurt or frighten or threaten someone, physically or emotionally, e.g, teasing, name calling, leaving others out intentionally, punching, kicking, yelling at, intimidating, spreading untrue stories, threatening to do things, are all examples of bullying, it is often persistent, repeated.
We will provide programmes which promote self-esteem, strong mental health and foster resiliency through the school health programme and the daily expectations at the school. Students will have the opportunity to investigate bullying and strategies for dealing with bullying in specific programmes from time to time and as the need arises.
Parental Concerns
From time to time parents have concerns that they wish to raise with the school. At Waiharara School we appreciate the opportunity to respond to these concerns as soon as possible and therefore encourage you to contact us at the earliest opportunity. This allows us to deal with small issues before they become big. We view this information as an opportunity for continual improvement. Please raise your concerns with the classroom teacher or staff member concerned in the first instance. If you are still concerned please contact the principal.
We understand that concerns and complaints can become extremely upsetting when left or all facts are not clear. However most can be sorted reasonably and fairly through discussion with staff. Please make an appointment to discuss these outside of class time. It is never appropriate to raise such concerns in the classroom, in front of students.
If you feel that the matter you wish to resolve is a complaint then the same process should be followed. A written complaint should then be your next step. A copy of the schools complaints policy is available upon request from the school office.
School Lunches
Milk and Fruit in School
Our school is fortunate to be part of both the Fonterra Milk in Schools project and the Fruit in Schools project. This means your child will have access to fresh fruit and milk daily at school. The Kick start Breakfast programme began in 2017.
Waihārara School promotes healthy eating and we are a water only school and filtered, chilled water is available to your child all day.
School Lunches and Snacks
Waihārara School is part of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme which aims to reduce food insecurity. This means we provide a healthy, nutritious lunch every day. The name Ka Ora, Ka Ako is about being healthy and well in order to be in a good place to learn.
Swimming Pool
We have our own pool on site.
Weather permitting; the pool is open in Term 1 and Term 4. Children have the opportunity to swim daily during these school terms and lessons with a qualified swim coach can be included in the curriculum programme.
Students must wear appropriate swim wear and bring a towel daily during the swimming terms.
School Transport
The school operates a free bus from within the local area. Please advise the school if this service is required so that times and collection points can be organised.
There are designated spots where the students can be picked up. The bus delivers and collects students to and from our school gate.
We have high expectations of behaviour on these buses and all students and their parents are expected to agree to and students are expected to comply with these expectations at all times as a condition of travel.
A bus behaviour contract is provided for all students to discuss with their parents and sign when enrolling. If you are unsure whether transport can be provided from where you live, please contact us we are only too happy to help.
Please note that, unless the school receives a note or phone call notifying any change of travel plans by 12.00 pm. Your child will be dropped off at their normal stop.
We also run a school van. If your child is not on the school bus route we may be able to help with transport. Please enquire when enrolling.