The  Waihārara School Board consists of five elected parent representatives, the Principal, a Staff representative, and at times, a co-opted representative.  Parents are welcome to attend Board meetings, and will be advised of these through the school newsletter.  

Speaking rights can be granted at the Presiding Members discretion. Minutes are available from the office. 

Our Board Members

Board members are elected to act on behalf of the school’s community to ensure that the school continuously improves student progress and achievement.

Our current School Board members are :

Presiding Member John Rippingale

Community Rep Dr Margaret Taurere

Parent Rep Tash Jones

Parent Rep Pane Paul

Parent Rep Erina Paul

Staff Rep Thalia Horn

Secretary Tilina Yelavich

Tumuaki Davene Clarke

The Board's Role

The Board is responsible for ensuring the school complies with all legal directives made by the government and the Ministry of Education. This is done by ensuring we have robust policies and procedures in place. There is a clearly documented line between board work and management work. Boards govern (oversee management) and principals manage the school. It is not the role of the Board to be involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, this is the responsibility of the principal and the school staff.

Board work is primarily about governance of the school. Governance involves setting strategic direction through our vision, core values and strategic goals. Core work of the board includes setting targets and tracking student progress. This also includes regular review of curriculum areas. The board monitors financial expenditure of the school and sets a yearly budget. We also establish long-term property plans and prioritise property projects with allocated funds.

Board Meetings

Wāhanga 1 /Term 1, 2024 

Week 3: Tuesday 13th February

Week 8: Wednesday 3rd April

Wāhanga 2 /Term 2, 2024 

Week 3: Tuesday 14th May

Week 7: Tuesday 11th June

Wāhanga 3 /Term 3, 2024 

Week 2: Tuesday 30th July

Week 8: Tuesday 10th September

Wāhanga 4 /Term 4, 2024 

Week 2: Tuesday 22nd October

Week 9: Tuesday 10th December

Board Meeting Minutes

Click here to see the last Board Minutes

Annual Audited Accounts


SchoolDocs helps schools to avoid re-inventing the wheel with documentation. Staff are able to find and access policies and procedures easily, and review them online in a matter of minutes.

The Board and Staff regularly review policies and procedures. The Current Review box in SchoolDocs allows all stakeholders and community the opportunity to review policies and have a say in how certain aspects of the school and curriculum are managed. 

Username:   Waiharara

Password: whanau


The New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA)

NZSTA provides governance and employment advice and support to help boards do the very best for their students and communities. 

NZSTA is contracted by the ministry to support boards in the undertaking of their roles and responsibilities. NZSTA provides practical support, advice, resources and professional development opportunities to help boards govern and manage their schools. 

Contacting the Board

If you have any questions regarding our Board please contact either;

The Presiding Member - John Rippingale

or the Principal - Davene Clarke