We aim for every child to be the best they can be and achieve to their potential. Sometimes there is a need to provide additional programmes to support the learning of individuals and groups of students.
Teachers use assessment information to group students according to learning needs in reading, writing and mathematics. Teachers and students will also co-construct personal learning goals in these areas.
These programmes are provided dependent on resourcing and personnel. Teachers and management make the final decisions as to who would benefit from these programmes.
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is for students, who, close to their 6th birthday, are experiencing difficulties in literacy acquisition.
Students who have not made satisfactory progress in their first year of literacy instruction are selected for this intervention, and accelerated for a short time to be able to fully participate in the classroom curriculum.
Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour R.T.L.B
Who are RTLB?
The Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Service are available to work alongside schools and kura to provide learning support when it is needed. They are specialist, itinerant kaiako or teachers who work across a number of schools and kura.
RTLB work with education providers and other agencies and service providers to identify local needs and resources, and plan support based on the evidence of what works, to best support children and young people to learn.
Support includes system wide, targeted or individual support so that children and young people with learning support needs, including disabilities are welcome and where their achievement, progress, wellbeing and participation is valued.
Talk to your school about whether a request for support is right for your child.
Resource Teachers of Māori R.T.M
Who are the RTM ?
The Resource Teachers of Māori provide :
Support for bilingual and immersion programmes in schools
Assist teachers with curriculum planning and implementation
Provide teacher education in Te Reo me ōna Tikanga
Provide PLD for staff.
Production of quality resources and activities to support programmes
In school support
Assist with student assessment and programme evaluation