Waihārara currently has two classrooms operating but we work as a whole whānau often and this means that multi-level, differentiated instruction is always a priority to ensure all developmental levels are catered for in all that we do.
We provide exceptional learning opportunities further enhanced by our small classes and strong staff student relationships. We are fortunate to have experienced, committed teachers and support staff, who develop warm, respectful, relationships with our students.
The richness of our people, place and environment is celebrated and explored through an innovative, local curriculum. We provide quality educational experiences with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy. Technology is integrated into the the daily programme and students have access to iPads and chromebooks to enhance their learning and inquiry.
The arts are also a major focus in the curriculum. Music, dance, drama, kapa haka and art promote student engagement and learning at a deeper and more creative level, resulting in a positive climate of student engagement.