Our Kāhui Ako
The school is part of the Far North Community Learning (COL) and although the COL is in the early stages of development. The COL achievement challenge intends to develop the following targets. These targets are in alignment with our school priorities and the strategic direction we have developed.
1.1.1 – Increase student agency in the learning process through identification and evaluation of factors which contribute to positive student agency across FN COL school.
1.1.2 – Deliberate and planned use of factors which contribute to positive student agency including the use of student voice.
Target 1.2 – Improve the degree of alignment of curricula with student pathways.
1.2.1 – Simultaneously re-examine our curriculum, with the intent of aligning it more closely with the needs of the community, and with the voice of our tamariki.
Sponsors and Supporters
Our community is diverse and involved in farming, fishing, working in the orchards or in professions working in Kaitaia. Our school’s history includes a strong connection to early Dalmatian immigrant families who settled in the area at the time of the kauri gum diggers.
We are fortunate to have a strong supportive community made up of parents, wider whānau, local businesses, past whānau and students from the community who support our kura and fundraising efforts.